What are NMDOH?
The Non-Medical Drivers of Health, or NMDOH, are conditions in the places where people live, learn, work and play that affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes.
The drivers include economic, social, behavioral and environmental factors such as access to nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities; safe housing, transportation and neighborhoods; education, job opportunities and income; air and water quality; racism, discrimination and violence; and language and literacy skills.
Who leads the Texas Consortium?
The Texas Consortium was founded by Elena Marks and Jacquie Klotz of Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and Drs. Trudy Krause and Cecilia Ganduglia of UT Health Houston School of Public Health’s Center for Health Care Data. The founding members bring complementary knowledge and skills to the Consortium, and will work together to support learning and convening of stakeholders, data analytics, and policy recommendations.
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